There are 1,521 photos tagged with Johnathan404, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
Looking north across what would have been the southbound service.
Looking north, at the unused sliproads for the unbuilt Hatfield services.
An overview of the unbuilt Hatfield services, looking south.
The front of the services - sank down and draped in trees.
The children's play area.
Turning around from the first photo, you are greeted by this tunnel under the motorway.
Looking in to the subway - sometimes the only way to the services.
Peering in to the seating area, which looks a lot nicer than the rest of the services.
Looking in to the services, with the main entrance at the end.
A monopole promoting Wimpy, outside Sandbach services.
The HGV filling area, offering "quality fuels".
An overview of the services.
More architecture. Do those logs pass off as picnic tables?
Shropshire rocks! According to the information board.
The front of the services.
Some of the architecture which is on display at the services.
The choice of places to eat.
Looking back at the entrance, today obviously wasn't a high-business day.
Welcome Break's new road signs on show at Telford. I really, really don't like them.
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