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User talk:Barnaby

Undoing my edits

Hi Barnaby,

First of all, I sincerely apologise if I sound rude in any way, as I absolutely do not intend to.

I was just wondering why you have been reversing some of my edits for no apparent reason? Just wanting to know if you're worried about my information being false or badly worded :)

Viperinelight50 (talk) 00:36, 2 June 2017 (BST)Reply

Hello there,
One of the things that I like most about this website is the high level of consistency throughout the pages, and the reason I have undone some of your edits is because I would like to keep that consistency. If one page mentions how Papa John's was removed last year and all of the others don't, that isn't very consistent, and neither is spelling Roadchef as RoadChef, as every other page on this website brands it as Roadchef.
Nothing to worry about at all. Keep up the hard work - it is appreciated! Barnaby (talk) 09:15, 2 June 2017 (BST)Reply

Cardiff West forecourt coffee machine

Hello Barnaby,

I was looking at the Cardiff West page you changed the coffee machine in the forecourt from Tchibo to Cost Express and I have fund no evidence to prove this. I checked the Costa website and it showed no Costa Express in the forecourt but it does in the main building. Barnaby did you get mixed up with the Costa Express in the main building or did you get the information from somewhere else.

I also checked the Rontec page but that location page is not updated with the Spar upgrades. I was just wondering and if you were incorrect I will change the page. Lc73 (talk) 09:25, 12 August 2017 (BST)Reply

Good afternoon Lc73,
If you have a look at the Google Street View of the Esso station at Cardiff West, you will find a photo attached to this review. You will see Costa Express written on the shop signage. Hope this helps. Barnaby (talk) 16:46, 12 August 2017 (BST)Reply

Good evening Barnaby,

I found no photo showing costa express written on external signage all I saw was Tchibo and Subway written. Also the street view in the services is either from 2015 or 2010, so it cannot be that. Lc73 (talk) 23:09, 12 August 2017 (BST)Reply

I apologise if the previous link did not work, but this one should. If you look at the left hand side of the photo, you will see Costa Express alongside Shop 'n Drive on the shop signage. Barnaby (talk) 23:15, 12 August 2017 (BST)Reply
July 2017 (the newest photo, it's changed since Janurary), the Tchibo sign has been changed to Costa. Here's a screenshot if you can't see it Quinny898 (talk) 23:30, 12 August 2017 (BST)Reply

Hi both of you,

Thanks I didn't realise it was that picture as the forecourt is in the far distance, case closed. Lc73 (talk) 00:04, 13 August 2017 (BST)Reply

McDonalds at Beaconsfield and Cobham

Good evening Barnaby,

You said on the corporate sites page that the Mcdonalds at Beaconsfield and Cobham were not operated corporately. Who operates them. Also you said all Extra Costa sites were operated corporately but they are operated by Moto unless if things have changed. Lc73 (talk) 16:11, 21 January 2018 (UTC)

Hi Lc73,

To be honest, I actually can’t remember who operates the McDonald’s franchises at Beaconsfield and Cobham, but I remember that they were two different operators, and it was on the particulars of ownership on receipts and in each respective store. Barnaby (talk) 16:20, 21 January 2018 (UTC)


Hi Barnaby,

I just have a question. Are the facilities at Weyhill part of the forecourt (apart from the Starbucks) or is this a new design by Euro Garages? Lc73 (talk) 20:43, 20 July 2018 (UTC)

Hi Lc73,
The design of the facilities at Weyhill are similar to the facilities at most Euro Garages sites in the way that the Starbucks has its own drive thru unit and the other facilities are all part of the petrol station set up. Barnaby (talk) 20:51, 20 July 2018 (UTC)


Hello, did you suspect a reason why the SPAR will close. Was there any evidence of it being converted to ASDA, and do you reckon they all will close? Thanks NOAH1 (message wall ) 17:11, 21 October 2021 (UTC)

Hi Noah,
The Spar stores within EG Group's ex-Little Chef amenity buildings are very different to their standard forecourt stores, with less custom and a reduced range of goods on offer. Because the majority of these buildings have other outlets (generally Burger King) which attract more custom and are open longer hours, as well as a petrol station next door which is often a direct competitor, some of these Spar stores can get overlooked by the public and there's a good chance that these stores aren't making as much money as EG Group could have expected.
I only visited Ilminster when driving up the A303 on Thursday so cannot comment on any of EG Group's other amenity buildings but Rich has noted that the Warminster branch has also closed, suggesting that Ilminster isn't the only branch affected by issues.
There was no evidence of any future plans to redevelop the Spar store at Ilminster. Personally, I don't believe these stores will be converted to Asda on the Move, as EG Group are currently only redeveloping their larger forecourt stores into this branding, and I don't see how a store as small as this one would be able to justify the range of products the current Asda on the Move model has to offer. I think there is a chance that another small food unit could move into this space, but there could also be a chance that it is left empty. We'll soon find out! Barnaby (talk) 03:23, 23 October 2021 (UTC)

Rownhams Chozen

Hiya Barnaby,

Rownhams Chozen unit was originally there pre-COVID and closed during COVID but we forgot to re-add it to the page. I can also confirm that FFC still trades but only at weekends and busy periods.

Thanks for flagging it up!

Rich (talk) 16:50, 29 June 2022 (UTC)

Hi Rich,
I was thinking that might be the reason, but at least it's been added back now. Congratulations on the opening of the McDonald's drive thru there by the way!
Barnaby (talk) 19:15, 29 June 2022 (UTC)