Motorway Services Online

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Contacting an Operator

A BT circular phone box.
Cherwell Valley BT hut.

As the messages all over say, this site is not affiliated with any operator or service area, and if you want any specific information you should contact them directly. So how do you do that? The table below gives all the contact details you'll need.

Major Operators

Most service stations in the UK, especially those on motorways, are run by one of the following companies. At each site their names are displayed prominently, and they operate most of the brands at their sites via franchise agreements. There are a few exceptions but the operator will be best-placed to point you in the right direction.

These operators and their contact details are listed below.

Operator Phone number Email Official website Recruitment
Moto not available Via their website

Careers information
Welcome Break 01908 299700 Via their website

Welcome Break People
Roadchef 01543 272566 Via their website

Careers information
Extra * 01494 678876 Via their website
Email them *
EG Group 01254 777766 Via their website
Careers site
Westmorland 015396 24511 Via their website
Email them

* - unlike most other service stations, Extra don't operate any of the branded facilities at their services. You can ask Extra who you'd need to contact, or you could go straight to the brand concerned. Your receipt should tell you who's responsible.

Smaller Operators

Little Chef and BP signs.
A-road services providers.

Across the UK A-road network is a whole load of smaller services where finding out who is responsible is much more complicated. The land could be split between several owners, and the facilities could be run either directly by the brand itself, or by another company who runs the brand under a franchise agreement.

Your best bet would be to try to get hold of one part of the service area and to clarify what the situation is. Where possible, we provide contact and owner details on this website - use the site search to see what's available - but you may have to have a look at what's listed on Google too.

We share all the information we have. If what you need to know isn't available online, we are not going to have it. You will need to track down the landowner or operator.

Irish Services

Ireland currently has only a few operators of motorway services:

Operator Phone number Email Official website Recruitment
Junction 14 Mayfield 045 532480 Via their website

Careers site
Supermac's (Plaza Group) 091 774 100

Careers site
Applegreen (SuperStop) 01 512 4800

Careers site
Circle K 01 202 8888
 Via their website

Careers site

Who owns the land?

End of motorway regulations sign.
The end of motorway regulations.

This can get complicated.

Service stations, including their car parks and access roads, are usually privately owned. Motorways and major A- or N-roads are usually maintained by the national highway authority - we have provided a list of these below. If there is a junction (such as a roundabout) separating the service area from the main road then that could be maintained by either the national highway authority or a local highway authority, such as a county council.

On motorways, the point where the national highway authority's responsibility ends is usually roughly where the 'end' or 'start' of motorway regulation signs are. Other clues to look out for are a change in the surface of the road, or a subtle use of paint that helps employees find the boundary.

The start of a service area's private land is usually marked with a totem pole, as well as other advertising hoardings. For most enquiries about this land it is best to contact the operator, as explained above.

Highway Authority Phone number Email Official website
National Highways (formerly Highways Agency, Highways England, DoT, etc) 0300 123 5000

Welsh Assembly Government 00300 0604400
Transport Scotland 0141 272 7100

DfI Roads (Northern Ireland) 0300 200 7899
Transport Infrastructure Ireland 01 6463600