There are 1,521 photos tagged with Johnathan404, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The little-bit-grander-than-usual Travelodge.
Formerly a HGV parking area (with the coach park exit on the left), with the services in the background.
An old Little Chef sign within their old car park. Underneath it says 'Granada'.
The services, with their retail extension.
A former side-entrance into the services, now closed to direct people past the shops.
The original circulatory road (left) and new one (right).
The old entrance to the services, now back as an exit from the overflow car park.
The Travelodge motel, viewed from the overflow car park.
Once a Little Chef, now an independent building.
A disused building at Barnsdale Bar, dating back to its original opening.
The restaurant at Barnsdale Bar south.
The former northbound Little Chef, now an adult store.
Some largely disused totem poles.
Southside Lodge - former Little Chef Lodge - at Barnsdale Bar.
The Waywest Cafe, and a local street.
A sign warning road users about the exit.
The footbridge, keeping the services and residents connected to the northbound carriageway.
Some new branding applied to a small part of the services, greeting people as they enter the site.
Some odd cladding on the motel.
Some old brands still on show in the coach park.
The entrance to the southbound services, with a retail extension added in 2003.
The lengthy southbound offslip, as the motorway descends.
A disused building in the same style, now used as an office.
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