There are 1,521 photos tagged with Johnathan404, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
Buddies Diner, with a Little Chef bin and a Kelly's Kitchen chimney.
The petrol station at Rushden.
A Little Chef-style sign, with the key part covered up.
The restaurant building... mostly vandalised, but some specials can still be seen on the chalkboard.
The lobby in the abandoned Little Chef, now derelict.
The entrance to the former Little Chef/Roadchef building.
The back of the abandoned building.
The road to the old restaurant.
The old car park for Roadchef/Little Chef Ecton, with a tiny bit of red post visible in the bushes.
The only obvious evidence of Ecton being built by Roadchef: their name on the fence!
The only remaining facility at Ecton westbound.
Scoffers Cafe - the old Roadchef - at Ecton.
Scoffers Cafe at Ecton - formerly a Roadchef building.
The petrol station at Ecton eastbound.
The Domino's at Grange Park.
The forecourt at Grange Park.
The BP garage at Brackley.
The old Little Chef is now a Starbucks.
The new services at Fermoy.
The front of the services in 2018.
Re.Store signs remain in the Cashel sales shop.
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