There are 1,521 photos tagged with Johnathan404, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The repainted building at Black Cat.
The Shell garage at Black Cat.
The downstairs corridor in 2018. It's very green!
Inside the amenity building at night.
Inside the northbound amenity building is just a Costa, but you can see the windows at the top of the pointed
The main building in the dark.
The Little Chef with all its branding removed.
The southbound Shell garage.
The forecourt at Cromwell.
A sign for the closed Cafe Amore.
The abandoned restaurant at Cromwell.
The front of the Friendly Farmer building.
The Friendly Farmer occupies the former Pavilion building.
The Shell garage at Newark.
The abandoned restaurant.
The closed LJ's restaurant.
The Esso garage at Foston.
The amenity building at Grantham North.
Inside the building, looking towards the entrance.
The coach drivers' entrance to the building.
Evidence of a Little Chef sign, still hidden away in 2018.
The ugly ancillary facilities in the lorry park.
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