There are 1,521 photos tagged with Johnathan404, arranged across several pages. The newest photos are shown first. If you have one, why not upload it?
Standing in the entrance, and looking to the far back of the services. This really is all there is!
The well-maintained petrol station!
The Travelodge, still in its original position and probably offering a better view of the Severn.
The entrance to Brightside, once Aust services.
An old parking prices sign - which refers to Granada - still visible from the Travelodge, showing just how
A former parking area - possibly for coaches.
The once-majestic entrance to the services, with the bridge visible in the background. The coach park is now
The old entrance to the old car park, now masked from its previous purpose, but with historical signs from a
The view which the services are so keen to promote.
The back of the old building, which overlooks the river. This is the view seen from the motorway.
Conflicting signage within the services. The green sign is one of Pavilion's.
As you leave the services, you briefly find yourself following Brightside's "through traffic" signs.
The oddest sign of the lot. A Granada sign at the roundabout, not part of the services, and with no
One of many overgrown roads within the services. I'm sure it would have made sense in its heyday!
An unusual sign at the entrance to the services.
The former drive thru at Leigh Delamere; everything is still there!
Inside the eastbound services, in the dark.
I don't know why, but this sign made me smile! It gives me an image of a game from Gladiators.
The westbound Travelodge.
One of the very Granada BT "communication rooms"
An unusual parking layout within the services.
Leigh Delamere westbound.
The front of Membury westbound, taken at a funny angle because of the low sun.
Membury eastbound Starbucks.
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