There are 81 photos tagged with Chopstix Noodle Bar, arranged across several pages. Photos are arranged in the order they were thought to have been taken, with the oldest first. If you have one, why not upload it?
The new southbound Chopstix Noodle Bar.
The Chopstix Noodle Bar and Subway store.
Inside the new building at Fleet.
The Chopstix Noodle Bar unit, hidden behind some bins.
The southbound Chopstix Noodle Bar.
The northbound Chopstix Noodle Bar.
The southbound Chopstix Noodle Bar.
The Chopstix Noodle Bar and Subway units.
The northbound hybrid unit housing The Good Breakfast in the morning and Chopstix Noodle Bar in the afternoon.
The southbound Chopstix Noodle Bar.
The Chopstix Noodle Bar and West Cornwall Pasty Co offers together at Peterborough, accompanied by a Krispy
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