Error Log
This page keeps track of several critical errors. Ideally it should be kept empty, although there may be some false positives which linger around.
Any time a template needs a variable, or an automatically generated page could fail, the failure should see it added to Category:Errors, so we can find it.
Pages are grouped according to the error which triggered them. As with any category, if a page is added without a sortkey, it will appear below under the letter of its name, so always give it a sortkey! The sortkeys are:
- B - Template:Services has been used without a brief road.
- C - Template:Services has been used without any coordinates.
- D - Template:Services has been used without a markerpost, which will cause issues with the search engine.
- E - Template:Picture gallery has been used where it can find no pictures (usually a false positive).
- F - Template:Facilities is trying to generate a closed 'charging point' or 'outdoor space'. This is not necessary (or possible) and they should be merged with 'amenities'.
- G - Template:Contact Details has been used without a grid reference.
- L - Template:Infobox could not find any locations (sometimes a false positive).
- M - Template:Map brands, Template:Map operators, Template:Map road, Template:Operator Search or Template:Road Search has found no results (usually a false positive).
- N - Template:Nav is being used where a page doesn't exist: this usually means we have a Gallery, Map or History section with no corresponding main page.
- O - Template:Map is missing a latitude or longitude.
- P - Template:Picture gallery is being used where there is no corresponding main page.
- R - The page has a DPL request with no results (usually a false positive).
- S - issue with Template:Succession.
- T - Template:Services has been used with variable "type" set wrong.
- V - Template:Viewonamap has failed (usually a false positive).
- media (D) - Template:Photo is missing a "description".
- media (O) - Template:Photo has a problem with its galleries: check that "feature1", "feature2" etc are set in numerical order.
- media (Y) - Template:Photo is missing a "year", which means it doesn't know where to put them in the galleries.
Note that occasionally a page will wrongly be shown as having an error, as the result of a DPL failure. This is like when the internet gives you a connection error even though you know it's working. You can clear the error by pressing 'edit' and then 'save' to force it to check again.